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Message ID: 4645
Date: Fri Jul 30 20:05:52 BST 1999
Author: Benny Hung
Subject: Re: RE: Dueling (was: Yellow?!?)

On Fri, 30 Jul 1999, Blair, Keith (Keith Blair) wrote:

> 1. When the person that loses dies, do they go back to where they're bound?


> 2. Is it true that whoever wins the duel can loot items off of your body?

No. It used to be the winner was allowed one item. But now you may not
loot the body at all.

> 3. Is there any way to cancel a duel after both people have accepted the
> duel?

No. There is no time expiration or anything like that. Once both people
agree on a duel, it does not end until one person dies or flees (zones).

> 4. Is it against Verant's rules to have outsiders buff a player while he/she
> is dueling? (I wouldn't do this, but I'd worry about the person I'm dueling
> doing it)

Dueling is stirctly between the two people. No one else may interfere in
anyway. PvP or not, grouped or not, the fight is only between the 2. I
take that back, if there is another NPC nearby, it might decide to join
in. The no interference rule only applies to other PC's.

> 5b. If you're in a group with another Bard and you're dueling, will their
> songs affect you during the duel?

If you're grouped, then only bellow will work. Most of the bard songs are
either non-party only or party only. So you probably don't want to due
another bard until you disband. On a side note, when you're in a duel,
you may not heal/buff other people in your group either (unless one of
them is dueling you) until the duel is over.

> 6. If you're dueling in a PVP area, can other people enter the fight?

No, a duel is strictly one-on-one. If you're looking for a brawl, you
can go to one of those PvP area and start fighting without issuing or
accepting a duel.