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Message ID: 4654
Date: Fri Jul 30 23:04:35 BST 1999
Author: Roop Dirump
Subject: Re: RE: Dueling (was: Yellow?!?)

>From: Benny Hung <benny@...>
>> 2. Is it true that whoever wins the duel can loot items off of your body?
>No. It used to be the winner was allowed one item. But now you may not
>loot the body at all.
On a sidenote, did anyone take the client poll on looting styles for the new
racewar server? I was in the chat area when Fippy announced the results.
He said there was overwhelming, 3 to 1, support for Ralos Zek style looting.
That is, the victor can loot 1 item the opponent was wielding or wearing.
So perhaps this will be changed soon for normal duels as well.
