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Message ID: 4653
Date: Fri Jul 30 23:10:39 BST 1999
Author: J.R. Hyde
Subject: RE: Limit on song memorization

>Let me guess - you were just singing the Rhythm songs, right?
>Try playing them with a drum. Up til about level 17 I'd say
>their use is minor. At 17 you get Guardian Rhythms which
>stacks with the other two Rhythm songs (those two don't stack
>with each other). With a drum and playing Guardian and
>Elemental Rhythms, you should be able to get your party's
>magic resist up over 75. If a caster buffs everyone with
>Endure Magic, that should be close to 100. *Nobody* can raise
>magic resist like a bard can. As far as I know, the best
>Endure Magic spell only increases it by 30 points. At level
>29 with a battle drum, I can raise it by close to 80 points.
>John H. Kim

Actually the new cleric buffs later will raise me at least 50 pts. When i
alternate guardian and mystic shield with the drums i get my own mr over 190.

Gendal Concorden, lvl 48 bard of Tunare