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Message ID: 4662
Date: Sat Jul 31 15:22:03 BST 1999
Author: Kyle
Subject: RE: Limit on song memorization

Yes, the reason why ppl stack Chant of Battle with Celerity is because it
won't stack. I think that Warsong also doesn't stack with it.
The Rythms will help greatly if you go against spellcasters later on.
Lullaby probably doesn't work effectively at your skill level but it comes
in very handy higher up. Last night in Perma I had one bar of health left
and had 4 ice goblins (all blue) in a holding pattern while the shaman I was
with meditated enough mana to heal me. That took over a minute.
I haven't found much use for Purifying unless you are going up against
snakes or spiders. Anyone know if it only jacks your resistance or can it
remove poison and disease effects?

Good Journey,

Sineras Silverlyre (Cazic-Thule)

8)-----Original Message-----
8)From: Blair, Keith (Keith Blair) [mailto:kblair@...]
8)Sent: Friday, July 30, 1999 7:49 AM
8)To: eqbards@onelist.com
8)Subject: RE: [eqbards] Limit on song memorization
8)From: "Blair, Keith (Keith Blair)" <kblair@...>
8)> Now that I have Celerity and
8)> stack it with Chant of Battle
8)> I never touch Bellows.
8)Just curious, does Celerity stack with Anthem de Arms? If so,
8)I'm interested
8)in why one would choose Chant of Battle over Anthem. My
8)current lineup at
8)level 16 (DING! - I *love* the jig! It's so much more
8)entertaining if while
8)watching it, you sing to yourself - "Do a little dance, Make
8)a little love,
8)Get down tonight! Get down tonight!)
8)Selo's Accelerando
8)Hymn of Restoration
8)Jonthan's Whistling Warsong
8)Kelin's Lugubrious Lament
8)Anthem de Arms
8)Brusco's Boastful Bellow
8)Then I usually use two remaining slots to rotate as needed things like
8)Locating, Aquatic Ayre and Cindra's Charismatic Carillion
8)(even though I
8)haven't noticed it doing much good). When soloing I usually
8)stack Jonthans,
8)Anthem and Hymn - sometimes throwing in a bellow or two for
8)good measure.
8)Songs that I've noticed don't seem to do much are the Rhythm
8)songs and the
8)Lucid Lullaby (Rats outside of Freeport were resisting it to
8)me last night
8)at level 16). I didnt even bother to purchase the Cataloging song. I'm
8)looking forward to 17 for the dual weild and sneak skills
8)but I don't know
8)whether to get the song since it's another in the line of
8)Rhythms. Is it me
8)doing something wrong, or are these songs either very weak or
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