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Message ID: 4665
Date: Sat Jul 31 16:15:46 BST 1999
Author: HiFinance@xxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Limit on song memorization

In a message dated 7/30/99 12:22:23 PM Central Daylight Time,
kblair@... writes:

<< When soloing I usually stack Jonthans,
Anthem and Hymn - sometimes throwing in a bellow or two for good measure. >>

I've heard the term "twisting" and I believe i even have kinda done it. Like
when fighting and singing healing and Jonathan's Warsong each effect stays up
for a short time and if I click another song at the right time i can _kinda_
get both going at once. Is this what you all mean when you talk about singing
more than one song and are there any tricks to doing this better? Usually my
"twisting" is more like stumbling :) Frequently my timing isn't right on
changing songs..

Hyperian - 9th Level half Elven Bard - Cazic Thule