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Message ID: 4666
Date: Sat Jul 31 17:27:38 BST 1999
Author: Lomack
Subject: RE: Limit on song memorization

>>Let me guess - you were just singing the Rhythm songs, right?
>>Try playing them with a drum. Up til about level 17 I'd say
>>their use is minor. At 17 you get Guardian Rhythms which
>>stacks with the other two Rhythm songs (those two don't stack
>>with each other). With a drum and playing Guardian and
>>Elemental Rhythms, you should be able to get your party's
>>magic resist up over 75. If a caster buffs everyone with
>>Endure Magic, that should be close to 100. *Nobody* can raise
>>magic resist like a bard can. As far as I know, the best
>>Endure Magic spell only increases it by 30 points. At level
>>29 with a battle drum, I can raise it by close to 80 points.
>>John H. Kim
>Actually the new cleric buffs later will raise me at least 50 pts. When i
>alternate guardian and mystic shield with the drums i get my own mr over 190.
>Gendal Concorden, lvl 48 bard of Tunare

Well I just though I would throw some info into the idea bank for you. One
of my characters is a 27th level Wizard. (BTW I love the clearity song)
Anyway, when I am bord and have nothing to do I work on training my
evocation specialization. I simply cast the first level Shock of Frost
spell on myself (other players if there are any around) It does a max of 6
damage to me (non to other players because I am not dueling them).
Generally I gain a point in specialization about every bubbel of mana or two.
But I digress, the point of this was to let you know that I have cast a
crap load of low level spells on myself. Now granted I only have about 50
- 80 MR (depending on the buffs on me) I think I have only resisted my own
spell about 1 time in 100 castings. I know my MR is a far cry from 113 or
even 190. But, it seemes to me that your chance of totally resisting a
spell are probably based more on the level of the casting creature. I
think MR as well as Cold and Heat Resistance only let you take less damage
from the spell.
Though even with my 60 cold resistance I always seem to do 6 damage to myself.

So in conclusion I think your level has to do with totally resisting spells
but your other resistances have to do with partial resistance to damage spells.

Hope that helps someone.

Lomack, Knight Defender of the BCK
Master of Recruiting
"The Crimson Knights"
Fennin Ro