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Message ID: 4644
Date: Fri Jul 30 19:54:47 BST 1999
Author: James Schuldes
Subject: RE: Level 16 Song Experiments

Try this:

2 ppl in canoe in Lake Rathe - Lyssa to locate corpse somewhere on bottom of
the lake. Ok, found corpse - kinda - now what? Park canoe on nearest land
and using tiny bubbles try to see the corpse. Nope. Oh wait - what is that
big gray fishie? SHARK! Swim back to land, get in canoe with other person.
Paddle over to corpse. See sharkie doing the shrak jump. Person does
/corpse to drag corpse into canoe. But she CAN'T loot it!!! Ok, paddle canoe
to land doing the corpse drag from canoe. Get the canoe to land. We hop
out. YES! She can loot!

Bard of the 19th level
a.k.a. Robo-Bard
invisible in the green room of BB<eg>
somewhere on Innoruuk

-----Original Message-----
From: Blair, Keith (Keith Blair)
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 7:49 AM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Level 16 Song Experiments

From: "Blair, Keith (Keith Blair)" <kblair@...>

> I know what you're saying. I can't wait for this song
myself. I am
> dying ot jump through the holes in the ice in the frozen
river in
> Everfrost. But, alas, you cannot zone thorugh Ocean of
Tears without
> being on a boat. Can't even zone if you are on the little

The canoes are even more buggy than the regular ships. It's
really horrid. A
Bard friend of mine and I were taking a canoe from Erollisi
to Sister Isles
and neither of us could see each other. I'd constantly be
checking my LOC
(he was navigating the boat) and I wasn't moving. Our LOC's
wouldn't match
up (not even close). He'd get to land and I'd still see
myself and the boat
out in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight. Then
all the sudden,
*poof*. I'm on land.

The reason I asked if you could zone in/out of OOT while
swimming is because
I know from personal experience that you can zone from the
Oasis to South Ro
by swimming in the water.

> You learn things from falling off of the boat.

Yes you do. I learned how to swim rather well for one. I
learned not to go
onto the lower deck of the boat for another.

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