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Message ID: 4685
Date: Sun Aug 1 13:56:09 BST 1999
Author: Christopher Mills
Subject: Re: Digest Number 239

> This also happened with the armor merchant in East Freeport - he was
> indifferent even with Carillon until i walked AROUND the his counter and
> stood in front of him. Amiable.
> Just thought I would share this.

Good comment. I've noticed this too. It's a line-of-sight song, like
Lugubrious Lament, but it doesn't give you a message if it fails
(and you wouldn't normally think that a counter blocks line-of-sight).

At any rate, if you don't get the "wave of enchantment" message, the
Carrilion hasn't worked. Pay no attention to the pretty blue light -
it's the text message that counts.

- Luvas of Fennin Ro.

PS: Tonight's record for accidently Lullaby'ed things: Three Young Kodiaks,
a Will-o-Wisp, a Skeleton, a Darkweed Snake and a Plains Cat, all
happily nodding away. After the battle, I noticed several people
watching me, all of which wanted to know how I survived...
Ain't Barding grand?