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Message ID: 4686
Date: Sun Aug 1 14:32:06 BST 1999
Author: John Kim
Subject: Re: something i noticed w/Cha-Carillion

On Sat, 31 Jul 1999, Roop Dirump wrote:
> What's going on here is that you cannot "see" her. If you tried hailing her
> in front of the counter you would only say Hail. Around behind it with her,
> you would hail her with her name.

There's an even worse one. In Halas, the banker is in some
sort of tavern, and a lot of people like to sell to the
merchant there. The mail delivery quest guy is behind the
counter there so I usually end up selling to the merchant from
behind the counter. I tried Carillion once and got no
message. Hmm, odd. I moved to the side a bit. Still no
message. After moving around some more, I figured out that
the area the merchant is standing in is slightly recessed.
If you are not standing in the recessed area, that is you are
standing one step up, you are at a sufficiently different
Z-axis level that you cannot cast on nor talk to the merchant!

What's even more wonderful is that we have this restriction in
combat, whereas mobs do not. If you're fighting on a slope,
you have to stand *very* close to the mob to be able to hit
it, while the mob can hit you fine.

John H. Kim