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Message ID: 4689
Date: Sun Aug 1 15:48:45 BST 1999
Author: James Schuldes
Subject: Re: something i noticed w/Cha-Carillion

I been fighting down on the chicken ranch and the merch birtie there hates
me for some reason. My Order of Thunder dont help nor does the Charillion
song. Nor does stand in front nor in back nor using sneak. i might try the
invis song but i am loath to climb up there again because everytime I
have -- I end up falling off!

I get told something about half-elfs and she dont sell to me. I did kill a
few - and i mean only like 2 or 3 aviaks in Lake Rathe - which hits your
Aviak faction. You can kill all the Aviak Guards you want - but dont kill
the baby birties. In SK, you can kill all the chickens you want and they
still sell to you (well not me but others - non-hummies I guess.) But i
think eventually they do scowl at you. My high lev fiends who are killing
avocets now said they went KOS.

Anyone ever try the Charillion on the ice giants up in Perma?


-----Original Message-----
From: jay schultze <sartori69@...>
To: eqbards@onelist.com <eqbards@onelist.com>
Date: Saturday, July 31, 1999 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] something i noticed w/Cha-Carillion

>From: "jay schultze" <sartori69@...>
>Just a side-note about Carillon.
>I was in Felwithe in the armory window-shopping and tried Carillon on the
>high-elf female npc shopkeepers that stand behind the counter (in the shop
>next to the bank). I noticed their faction was still apprehensive to me (i
>am half-elf Quellious follower - guess they don't like that much =). I
>figured it just wasn't working...
>Then, I walked AROUND the counter to stand directly in front of the npc and
>tried again and they became Amiable!
>This also happened with the armor merchant in East Freeport - he was
>indifferent even with Carillon until i walked AROUND the his counter and
>stood in front of him. Amiable.
>Just thought I would share this.
>Sartori D'Elsiraad
>Bard of Kelethin of the 37th Chorus
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