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Message ID: 4717
Date: Mon Aug 2 00:10:45 BST 1999
Author: jay schultze
Subject: Re: something i noticed w/Cha-Carillion

>From: "James Schuldes" <jgs@...>
>the baby birties. In SK, you can kill all the chickens you want and they
>still sell to you (well not me but others - non-hummies I guess.) But i
>think eventually they do scowl at you. My high lev fiends who are killing
>avocets now said they went KOS.
>Anyone ever try the Charillion on the ice giants up in Perma?

About merchants who won't sell to you but are NOT KOS to you = this is an
old rogue trick, might even be a bug exploit? I don't know, J.M I would love
to hear your opinion on this: You can use the sneak skill to make the aviak
merchant indifferent to you then you can sell/buy from him.

Sartori D'Elsiraad
Bard of Kelethin of the 38th Chorus