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Message ID: 4718
Date: Mon Aug 2 05:32:32 BST 1999
Author: DreamKing
Subject: Re: Missed notes

>Has everyone else noticed that missed notes when starting a
>song is now annoying frequent? Not just with new songs
>either, I'm missing notes with low level songs like
>Accelerando and Hymn.

I've noticed this too.. simple songs like Selo's and my level 16 bard is
having to make 4 tries to get it started.

Even worse is the fact that on Veeshan right now for some reason or
another, people level 1-4 aren't spawning with Food, Water or their default
weapon after they die. Someone tell me how in the world a level 1-4 player
is supposed to advance with no weapon? I mean, the lack of food and water
is just an annoying "Out Of" message, but no weapon? Several bug reports
and petitions later and no response.

DreamKing - ICQ 172158 - drmking@...
"Boo Boopie Doo Yeah" - Jewel