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Message ID: 4724
Date: Mon Aug 2 14:42:51 BST 1999
Author: James Schuldes
Subject: RE: Do I have enough strength?

You did better than me - my base is 75 str and with all the visible bronze
(except boots) I am very close to being encumbered. Even with some str
boosters - which I am trying to get all of them that I can. You can play
Anthem for a str boost - and beg for str buffs. But it's constantly on your

So - you are prolly ok but it will still be an issue.

More important though is having high str for dmg boosts which come after
level 20. So, aside from the weight factor - everyone is still after str
boosts - for the dmg benefits.

My opinion - you're better balanced than me. And I do ok. Not great on dmg
but ok.

Bard of the 20th level
a.k.a. Robo-Bard
asleep on her feet
somewhere on Innoruuk

-----Original Message-----
From: SpudSucker [mailto:sprite@...]
Sent: Sunday, August 01, 1999 4:49 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] Do I have enough strength?

From: "SpudSucker" <sprite@...>

I have a base strength of 85. I took 85 because a friend of
mine is a high
elf paladin and seems to be able to wear bronze. I am a
half elf and
figured 85 strength would be plenty since you can get
+strength items if
need be. Did I make a mistake?

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