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Message ID: 4725
Date: Fri Jul 30 23:49:09 BST 1999
Author: Wayne Sheppard
Subject: Re: Resistance and Rhythym songs

Haha, I agree too. IIRC, when a spellcaster damages someone, they get a
"tell" from that person indicating how much damage was done"

A caiman says 'Hit By non-melee for 75 damage'

> From: John Kim <kim@...>
> Subject: Re: Resistance and Rhythym songs
> On Fri, 30 Jul 1999, Kimes, Dean W. wrote:
> >
> > I don't recall seeing a resistance message ever for a partially
> > spell like Direct Damage (DD) ones. However, when the caster hits me
and my
> > health bar doesn't move from a spell that can do up to 40 points, I know
> > took at most 3 or 4, I don't have that many hp's so the bar movement is
> > still pretty visible.
> Hmm. I wish they'd change it so you could immediately see how
> much damage you take from a spell. The caster gets to see how
> much damage he did, why can't you see how much damage you
> took?