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Message ID: 4726
Date: Mon Aug 2 14:56:08 BST 1999
Author: Llewrend Lynnhaven
Subject: Re: Song selections and Cha-Carillion

Ah, your showing your age :)

The two songs you discussed are better at higher
levels when your out fighting casters. I was with a
group in runnyeye fighting the level 29 and 30 Evil
eyes down there, and had it not been for twisting
those two songs with a drum and cranking everyone
resist up to 100 or so we'd have gotten killed. Also
I use lullabye when soloing or dueling casters as it
interupts them. It helps in crowd control, but be
careful in dungeons as it can turn out to be another
one of those

*the entire floor hits you for XXX damage*
*You have been slain by every availabe mob*

I love it when that happens. Happy hunting

Llewrend Lynnhaven
Erollisi Marr
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