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Message ID: 4734
Date: Mon Aug 2 16:10:00 BST 1999
Author: James Schuldes
Subject: Try this sometime

Helping a guy get his corpse - he fell off the cliff right outside of HH on
the EK side. Was expecting a long run invis up that canyon but on a whim
told him to stand at the edge or the cliff and type /corpse. Viola! He
summoned it up some 500 feet! Take advantage of that unlimited Z axis <g>

Also, found that if you have your party target you and use /follow - then
invis and walk - not run - they stay with you pretty good and don't seem to
drop invis because they seem to stay closer.

I tend to spend time with lower level chars who don't yet have their own
invis and see invis spells so anything to keep the group together helps.

Sylly Songsynger
Bard of the 20th level
a.k.a. Robo-Bard
asleep on her feet
somewhere on Innoruuk

p.s. I got my level 20 - woo hoo!