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Message ID: 4735
Date: Mon Aug 2 16:35:25 BST 1999
Author: Douglas Bierbower
Subject: Button Quest or "Death to Twisting" or How to make Bards more Fun or Please improve the interface!

I play multiple songs most of the time now. That goes for between battles
(Clarity and Restoration) as well as in battles (usually 3, but sometimes 4)
and my fingers are tired. The buttons on my keyboard are wearing out. My
eyes are sore from reading all the darn messages which provide the most
reliable clue for me to begin the next song. So besides whining about it,
what is my point? I want a new, intelligent client interface! I want to
select multiple songs to weave/twist/dicombobulate/phase-shift-modulate and
then I want to fight and watch the awesome graphics the game provides.

I know the interface will not support this right now. The interface treats
bards like casters, but that does not mean they can't alter the interface to
accomodate this request. Add a Harmony Ability (See Definitions below, esp
#4a, courtesy of Meriam Webster's Online Dictionary). This "Harmony"
Ability could take the form of a button on the Abilities menu. The Bard
pushes the "Harmony" button and then depresses multiple songs in the order
the Bard wants to play them. The Server then starts each song and
immediately shifts to the next song until the list is completed and then
returns to the top of the queue. To stop the auto-playing of songs, hit the
"Harmony" button and resume manual control. Simple enough? The idea is not
without precedent. [The auto-attack feature of the game is a similar form
of redundancy elimination (which could also be enhanced, similarly to what
is suggested here, to include special attacks like kick or bash or the
myriad Monk abilities).] There will be some resistance, perhaps even
philosophical rejection, to any form of scripting, but keep in mind that
this change would be completely voluntary for the user.

This will make the game more fun. This will make the game much more
relaxing to play. This will also make things much more fair for Bards that
do not have an excellent internet connection and/or the good fortune to live
in San Diego (I have a very, very fast DSL connection and can easily weave 3
songs and almost 4, while I have spoken to many bards that usually can't
manage more than 2).

Narcissus of Povar
Button Smasher Extraordinaire!

Main Entry: har´┐¢mo´┐¢ny
Pronunciation: 'h´┐¢r-m&-nE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -nies
Etymology: Middle English armony, from Middle French armonie, from Latin
harmonia, from Greek, joint, harmony, from harmos joint -- more at ARM
Date: 14th century
1 archaic : tuneful sound : MELODY
2 a : the combination of simultaneous musical notes in a chord b : the
structure of music with respect to the composition and progression of chords
c : the science of the structure, relation, and progression of chords
3 a : pleasing or congruent arrangement of parts <a painting exhibiting
harmony of color and line> b : CORRESPONDENCE, ACCORD <lives in harmony with
her neighbors> c : internal calm : TRANQUILLITY
4 a : an interweaving of different accounts into a single narrative b : a
systematic arrangement of parallel literary passages (as of the Gospels) for
the purpose of showing agreement or harmony