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Message ID: 4739
Date: Mon Aug 2 17:54:29 BST 1999
Author: Lora Roa
Subject: Re: Button Quest or "Death to Twisting" or How to make Bards more Fun or Please improve the interface!

I don't care how its accomplished, but I _really_ need this class
de-twitched if I want to play my Bard(s) for more than 1 hour at a time.
If I'm trying after work ... I may as well just bag it. I really love this
class, but its not long before my Bard ends up one of my lower level

Sighs ... this seems to be the only "twitch" class in the game, and yes.
I've played all but SK.

Old fingers, old eyes ... job that needs them both in working order.

- Starling/Erollisi
- Melodie/Brell