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Message ID: 4740
Date: Mon Aug 2 14:53:48 BST 1999
Author: Blair, Keith (Keith Blair)
Subject: RE: RE: Dueling (was: Yellow?!?)

> 5b. If you're in a group with another Bard and you're
> dueling, will their songs affect you during the duel?
> If you're grouped, then only bellow will work.
> Most of the bard songs are either non-party only
> or party only. So you probably don't want to due
> another bard until you disband. On a side note,
> when you're in a duel, you may not heal/buff other
> people in your group either (unless one of
> them is dueling you) until the duel is over.

My question was misleading, my apologies. I meant - if you are dueling
someone NOT in your group, but you are currently grouped with another bard
and they are playing a song (Hymn for example) - will it affect you while
dueling someone OUTSIDE of your group?
