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Message ID: 4741
Date: Mon Aug 2 15:06:57 BST 1999
Author: Blair, Keith (Keith Blair)
Subject: RE: Limit on song memorization

> Also - it seems some people get better results
> - I've NEVER been able to Riff four songs like
> some have - so ping/pl time may be a factor -
> as well perhaps how fast your machine is..
> I definitely saw an improvement when I went to
> the quick-key method..

The thing that best helped me with being able to do multiple songs at once
is to get out of first person view during a fight. As soon as I attack
something I hit F9 three times to get to the outside view. This makes me lag
much less, allows me to see all around me in case something else decides to
run in and join the fight - and it has allowed me to sometimes get up to 4
songs going at once because my PC isn't lagging with all the eye candy on
the screen. After the fight is over (looting is also much easier in this
view mode) just hit F9 two more times to return to first person view.

If you don't already do that, try it - it makes life much easier.