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Message ID: 5158
Date: Tue Aug 10 22:37:14 BST 1999
Author: weya@xxxxx.xx.xxx
Subject: Re: I'm dying I think, that is bored (OT)


I can understand where you're coming from. Just a few short weeks ago, I was on the verge of cancelling my account as well ... for some of the same reasons. Running around, hacking and slashing, camping at spawn points, just for the sake of that next level of experience ... was boring me out of my mind. Not to mention I felt lonely, cuz you cannot really type and melee at the same time ... and if you want to grab that next MOB first, you'd better not be in mid-sentence when it spawns. So everyone would sit there and not say much either. Boring.
Period. You may remember my desperate post here seeking people who were more interested in "playing" than in powerleveling.

So ... what has changed since then? I found a great group of people to roleplay with. Yeah, I still level ... but that's so my character can grow ... not so that I have one more notch in my leveling belt. I also have embarked on self and guild imposed quests ... at level 8 my character composed a band of people to travel across Norrath visiting every city. I now compose songs to be sung in Norrath ... I'm a bard right? And I interact with a number of people in character ... well in fact, I now pretty much refuse to not interact with everyone while
not in character. Pisses some people off, but hey, I'm having fun.

So what have I learned? Pretty much that you get back what you put into it. The stories in EQ are the foundation that we, the players, are supposed to build upon. It's the players that are supposed to make this game everchanging. I also learned that if you want to roleplay, add to the game, you need to find people who are willing to do that. And finally, I learned that if I roleplay my character, most people fall in the groove and roleplay right along with me ... and the ones that don't are missing out.

I don't know if any of this has helped or not. But if you're on Fenin Ro, feel free to look me up. I'm sure I'm not as experienced as you, but I'm always willing to chat, roleplay, explore, etc.

Safe travels,
Soerbaird Academy, Fenin Ro

> _______________________________________________________________________________
> _______________________________________________________________________________
> Message: 10
> Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 02:48:59 -0500
> From: "Roop Dirump" <roop@...>
> Subject: I'm dying I think, that is bored (OT)
> I know this is a long post, my friends, but it's probably my very last post
> to this group, so I appologize. I apologize in advance for the language, if
> you are sensitive, stop now.
> There is no death in EverQuest, except psychologically. And I'm dying, I
> think.
> I have loved this list like no other board've known in some years. It is
> highly intellectual, why I bother you with this damned heavy luggage.
> Bored. I'm bored. Thinking of quiting because of it. Boredom, I imagine,
> would be probably the worst reason a designer would fear someone would give
> up on their massive online game like this. Boredom, really, is almost the
> worst of an insult. Someone is angry, that's better. They feel something,
> they're emotional about it, a love-turned-to-hate kind of thing, acceptable
> and expected. But boredom? Boredom, apathy, that's a lack of everything
> good. That would be scarry, at least if I were a developer, and that's what
> I am: not a developer but bored.

<snipped for length>

Expand in consciousness-
be ready to accept anything now,
at any time. --Eileen Caddy
ICQ# 1976509
AOL IM: weya