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Message ID: 5251
Date: Thu Aug 12 21:47:23 BST 1999
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: Charisma vs Mob Resist Part 2

I have had similar experiences when an enchanter buffs me with the
Sympathetic Aura spell. With that buff, barbed bone skeletons and carrion
ghouls almost never resist the Lullaby and Largo's Binding song. Without
the enchanter buff, they seemed to resist more. At least it seems that way
to me. I would like to collect data on it but its hard to keep track of it
during combat. That's why I raised the question last week when someone
posted about Brad McQuaid's comment at GenCon. To paraphrase, Brad told
someone that charisma has no effect on a mobs chance to resist. I don't
know who this Butler guy is (I assume he works for Verant), but his
statement seems to be the complete opposite of what Brad said. Based off my
subjective experience, I think Butler's statement about charisma affecting a
mobs' chance to resist is the correct way the game handles charisma. What
does everyone else think?

Galtin of E'ci

<snipped from Faras' post>
> I personally don't do all the number crunching but tend to trust those of
> us on this list that do, especially those of us who are of a higher level
> than myself - however, with a CHA of 95 one night, I got a enchanter to
> boost me up above 100 and did notice that my songs such as root and
> binding were resisted less.
<snipped from the post about the Verant social>
> Butler said there is no correlation between Charisma and
> one's saves. Your charisma is related to how well you
> interact/affect creatures. He also mentioned that
> Bard's singing skill has a check against charisma.