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Message ID: 5586
Date: Wed Aug 25 19:42:12 BST 1999
Author: Talies the Wanderer
Subject: Unrest and a Dagnor's story (was RE: Hunting Grounds)

At 07:31 AM 8/25/99 -0600, you wrote:
>From: "Blair, Keith (Keith Blair)" <kblair@...>
>> Try Unrest.
>At level 17?

I've been doing Unrest since 15th, off and on - yard trash is blue, and a
good party of mixed-to-20th will really help your exp. However, be
prepared to run a lot, and don't let some Shaman or Druid talk you into
depending on SoW. In fact, inform your group that you will likely be
toasting their SoW in the event of a "ZONE!" call. And you will run. A
lot. But if you have a good cohesive group that will run when told to run
(why don't people understand that?!) you will survive a lot longer and do
much better.

I had my best "I'm not dead yet!" story out in Dagnor's Cauldron the last
time I went there.
I was helping do a corpse retrieval in the Cauldron. The corpse belonged
to an 11th level guy who was still in Greater Faydark, and not yet a member
of the party (which at this point consisted just of me and a 20th +
paladin). We Selo'd to the young ranger, brought him back to Dagnor's and
told him to stay in the NPC camp. He followed us, a tidal lord attacked
us, the Paladin had to LoH on himself to survive it, finally the Ranger
learned to stay at the NPC camp. Finally, I located the body, and
triangulated it to being somewhere in the water. Pretty well out there,
too. We swam out to it and I started arguing with the group leader to just
have the corpse owner consent me so I could drag the corpse out of the
water ("No, consent me!" "You're not the Bard - I can outrun anything, AND
I can find the corpse!!!" "I don't care. Consent me" "Fine. Consent you."),
when suddenly an undertow skeleton starts hitting on me, guess it thought I
was cute, in my orange duds. Not waiting to discuss dinner plans, I
started running it towards shore (I'm not stupid - fight on solid ground,
much smarter!) Silly party leader stays behind with corpse. THEN a Goblin
bosun crashes the party, so the party leader's dealing with the Skeleton
(which was a heavy blue to me but really green to him - he was at least
20th) and leaving me to deal with the yellow bosun. Nice. Real nice. I
dropped in no time, but as I dropped, I was singing the Hymn. O miracle
working Hymn, how I adore thee...
For some reason, the Bosun stopped attacking me, backed off, and started
using my corpse for a target dummy. It went like this:
"You are knocked unconcious!"
"You are bleeding to death!" (Hymn pulses)
"You regain conciousness!" ("I'm not dead yet!")
"A Goblin Bosun hits you for 5!"
"You are knocked unconcious!"
"You are bleeding to death!" (Hymn pulses)
"You regain conciousness!" ("I feel fine!")
"A Goblin Bosun hits you for 7!"
"You are knocked unconcious!"
"You are bleeding to death!" (Hymn pulses)
"You regain conciousness!" (I think I'll go for a walk now...")
"A Goblin Bosun hits you for 4!"

All the while, I was slowly trying the death crawl to the NPC's who hang
out at that little camp there. I made it, was knocked unconcious in the
middle of them, and watched as they took out the Bosun for me.
In the meantime, the Ranger (who had been shouting "Don't let Talies die!
Don't let Talies die!") got to his corpse (still in the water!) and looted
what the Paladin hadn't already taken. The paladin didn't even know how to
/corpse it out of the water, and had taken almost half his health in
drowning damage while looting!!! Gah!
I finally caught on to what was up when the Paladin asked me to Selo's them
both to Unrest and heal them before they went in. I never thought I'd ever
have a use for the phrase, but I guess it's in the EQ Glossary for a reason:
Sugardaddy was babysitting his twinkie.
Anyway - at least I (miraculously) escaped death that time.
(Of course, I died 7 times that night, guess that was to make up for it....)

Talies the Wanderer
<The Wandering Minstrels>