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Message ID: 5587
Date: Wed Aug 25 19:41:41 BST 1999
Author: Wayne Sheppard
Subject: End of Kiting?

This was forwarded to me by a friend. It looks like they are going to stop
most kiting (5 months too late). Bards may still be able to kite with
Bellows and such.



This was found on alt.games.everquest:

Posted by Brad McQuaid on August 24, 1999 at 8:31:27PM

The kiting fix has nothing to do with range. Essentially, DoT spells do not
damage the NPC if the NPC is chasing you and has a velocity. If he is not
moving or he is fleeing from you, the DoT does damage.

IF we make this change live, and that's an IF at this point, we will most
likely also slightly increase the durations of DoT spells to compensate for
the additional time necessary to cast the spells and then set up your
defense (you tanking, another player tanking, a pet tanking, etc).


Keep in mind that this seems to have gone live already from reports (see
article below). Supposedly this is meant to be a kiting fix, meaning if you
are fleeing from a monster it won't take damage but if the monster flees
from you it will. The reports I have in so far basically say if the monster
is out of your melee range it takes no damage. It could just be a bit of
buggy code right now, but what Brad outlines above could certainly be
fully implemented come next patch meaning no more kiting.


I have had two separate reports now that NPC's are not taking DoT damage
once out of the melee range on the public servers. This means the DoT change
is not just a test server thing.
It has gone live. I will do some further testing tonight, but in the
meantime don't rely on your
DoT's if the monsters does a runner on you.


Ok then, here is the story as we know it. Bukaru reports that on Test Server
if you are not within melee range then the DoT will have no effect damage

This basically destroy's the major tactic for druids in getting experience
in lower levels if this ends up getting published to the servers. Kiting is
finished if this goes live. Whether kiting was ever intended to be a tactic
by Verant is another matter altogether. I'll try to
get an official word on all this from Verant, in the meantime keep sending
in your information.