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Message ID: 5644
Date: Thu Aug 26 15:32:16 BST 1999
Author: Richard Ashkettle
Subject: RE: End of Kiting?

I hate to disagree with (seemingly) everyone here, but
Im HOPING that Verant does something about Kiting. It
may not be a problem on your server, but on MM, its

Case in Point:
NRO - Constantly, every level 14 Druid Kites Dorn
to be the "Great Dorn Slayer". In the process, he/she
usually gets about 10 or so folks killed. Usually
those folks are just level 8ish newbies who just didnt
have time to see Dorn come over the rise.

Ok, so you say that it's because at lev 14, they are
new to Kiting, and don't know how to do it.

Case in Point:
Yesterday. Three IDIOTS (and YES...I'll use that
term freely) decide to kite the Spectres in the Oasis.
OOPS...pulled too many...lets just kite them all over
the Oasis till we run out of mana and then zone. When
all was said and done...63 corpses. No lie or
exaggeration...we COUNTED them.

Big problem is, this is not an unusual scenerio. I've
seen more than a few "Kited" giants lose interest
(cause the Kiter got too far away) and rampage on
unsuspecting players WAY TOO LOW for a giant, and in
areas where Giants NEVER go...(like the NRO Fishing
villiage). This effect is worse in those zones with a
lot of hills, where you cant see the mob coming until
its too late.

Verant, in doing nothing to prevent this, AND allowing
the players no means of recourse, have been VERY
irresponsible. I'm glad to see them take a stand, or
at least attempt to.

I really don't mind if you want to kite that Griffawn
at level 12. Go for it. But...DONT GET ANYONE ELSE
KILLED. Too many Kiters don't care. The phrase "I'd
rather see 20 people die and get away than lose the
exp for dying myself" has been chanted by WAY too many
Shaman, Druids, and Bards out there. No WONDER kiting
classes get a bad powerleveling rep.

Windolas (MM)

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