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Message ID: 5645
Date: Thu Aug 26 15:40:04 BST 1999
Author: Elijah Meeker
Subject: Hello Again

I have not been able to really particiapate iin the list for a while as I
was switching jobs etc. Got to be unemployed for a couple of weeks and as a
result Tszaaz went from about level 17 to 21 *laughs* Currently I am level
23. NO MORE POWERLEVELING! I am just going to enjoy it for a while, the next
two songs (see invis and psalm of warmth) are stinkers anyway,so no big

So! Here are some thoughts from the interum.

Chains ROCKS. If the bard was Brad's favorite character we would have gotten
Chains at level 9. Lull, which used to be a nearly useless song to me is now
a standard part of my arsenal. This may be an illusion but I swear I have
lulled yellows if not reds (sorry in a swarm /conning is not my first
I am in with a standard group now, and it is a nearly perfect combination:

Cleric- Bards best friend really. He spends a LOT of mana on me, but hey I
also keep the mobs of his wife the Warrior *laughs*. I make sure to pick him
up a few of the gems he uses to buff me everytime I go to Highpass, least I
can do.

Warrior - at 3 levels above me, she often can taunt mobs off me - a warrior
of my level couldn't. An actual damage dealer, but it was SWEET to have the
group decide they /needed/ me in combat *sigh* I am needed for combat, I
like that...*laughs*

Wizard - KABOOM! And he is a good one too, waits paitently until the warrior
calls in the air strikes.

This was a preformed group and I was worried that I would not be adding much
value, but I was wrooooong. They freakin love me for the huge shortening of
downtime as the warrior gets to heal without burning the clerics mana. The
wizard loves me because he can now safely med in dagerous places (inviso)
and he keeps suggesting I maybe kinda powerlevel to 32...*laughs*

btw, when grouped with a warrior and she is only down a bubble at the end of
fight, arm the lute regardless. On a warrior that is a LOT of hitpoints, if
you don't the wizzy will be ready before she is.

On my continuing tour of perfect bardic soloing locations, add the Gorge of
King Visine for levels 19-22. The minos run FASTER THAN SOW, but slower than
accelerondo (heeee!). Camp in "the hall" leadingto E Karana and run down the
chasm on your right, take the first left, and pull a mino out of "The
Circle". Yesssss, you might get two, or three if you aren't careful. /con
them all first.
If you pull a Chasm mino and the Hall is reletivly empty you better "kite"
it first. I put it in quotes because technically it isn't kiting and
shouldn't be effected by the new patch. Accelerondo/bellow of course. it is
dicey, you will often get hit, accelerondo is too fast to do it well,
regular running too slow.

Oh! Does everyone know about "Heal Kiting"? I use it all the time in the
Karanas. If you start getting beat on, Accelerondo away, arm the lute. Sing
Hymn until accelerondo wears out, re-sing accelerondo. Run between two
points, if you are a risk-taker/vindictive you can sing bellow as you pass
your pursuer. But then back on task, you got some healing to do. I have used
this against multiple Reavers and deep blue Aviaks. Warwolves will catch you
if you try this though, so watch it.

Weapons: Besides the Dragoon Dirk I am now weilding a Polished Granite
Tomahawk. Jaxon's Jig o' Vigor, probably a loooong forgotten song, will stay
memed for as long as you own a PGT. What a stamina pig.

Ohh! My Name! As some may know I have been a big fan of Kithicor forest, we
have had a little study group about it on and off over on CoN/Discussions.
So when it came time for a last nime I was going to pick "D'Kith". Then, the
day I hit 20 I woke up with a horrible realization. She might not think of
it the first day, but sooooner or later the Warrior in my group was going to
start calling me "Biggus". As in "Bigus D'Kith". (Monty Python reference)
*sigh* so I went off to the Elven Dictionary and found "E'Taurguin" or "Of
theUndead Forest" a much better reference *smiles*. Oh, and the name filter
does not accept apostrophies, you have to petition and be prepared to wait.

Okay, here is my last thought of the day, sorry, it is going to be
depressing. Guise of the Deceiver is no-drop and Bard/Rgue only. While
others can still use the Dark Elf Illusion effect, most won't need it. I
hear it is a common drop. This means a lot of them probably get destroyed
*heavy sigh*. AS SOON as I get one, I am finally going to get to RP a
Teir'Dal Bard. Thought about sneaing in to join an assasin group, but I hear
the path TO the tower is too perilous to try, even if I would be relativly
safe once there. *sigh*

*waves* nice to be back,

Tszaaz E'Taurguin