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Message ID: 5680
Date: Thu Aug 26 17:57:46 BST 1999
Author: John Kim
Subject: Re: Some Information on Our Songs

On Thu, 26 Aug 1999, Robin Wise 3 wrote:
> I had a little free time last night (took a break from all that running
> to-and-fro), and decided to gather some empirical data on my songs and
> disseminate this information to the bardic community. I´┐¢d love to see

Thanks. I'll add it to the guide I'm putting together (since
it seems Goatanos is no longer updating his). I guess I'll
have to add a credits section as well... :-)

> By harmonizing the Rhythms songs, right now I can increase my party's magic
> resist by 69, their AC by 16, and all the other resists by 23! Woohoo, this
> is not bad at all...

Are you sure? Last I checked, Elemental and Purifying Rhythms
did not stack. Guardian Rhythms will however stack with
either of them.

> Jaxan's Jig O' Vigor: I have taken up memming this song again lately, as
> some long fights will really sap my fatigue. This little gem is something I
> only use once a fight, but I think it helps a lot.

There was a mob in Mistmoore that hit me with some oddball
spell I've never heard of before that completely drained my
stamina. I didn't have the Jig memorized, so I just switched
to instruments and let my party bash its brains out while I
waited for my stamina to regenerate naturally. That'll teach
it for picking on a bard. :-)

> Cinda´┐¢s Charismatic Carillon and Tarew´┐¢s Aquatic Ayre:
> has anyone out there noticed any change in these songs
> when using a wind instrument? I sure haven´┐¢t. Range

J.M. (Verant employee who used to be on this list) said an
instrument doesn't affect the Aquatic Ayre.

> seems to be the same, and with both songs it appears to be
> all-or-nothing ´┐¢ either the song works completely or it
> doesn´┐¢t. Cinda´┐¢s usually raises faction one or two steps,
> but I have seen a change from "glowers dubiously" to

I'm guessing using a flute either has no effect, increases the
duration, or increases the amount of faction increase. (Btw,
the faction increase *will* help you complete quests like the
Squad Ring - I did it with my enchanter using the Alliance
spell, though it still took a helluva lot of belts and beads.)

> "amiable". Strangely, the level of the NPC does not seem
> to affect the success of this song.

That's because the song affects *you* not the NPC. :-) It
changes *your* faction with the target NPC's group. It does
not affect the NPC at all.

Just be careful you don't accidently try to Lament or charm
the merchant instead of using the Carillon. The Carillon
produces an immediate message - if you don't immediately see

John H. Kim