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Message ID: 574
Date: Mon May 10 16:58:10 BST 1999
Author: David Rubino
Subject: Re: 1H Slashing Magical Weapon List - Read and comment


I'll read all of that later, thanks for all the info.

Was not aware of the boost in damage when you get older. I was told in no
uncertain terms by several people on this board that I will NEVER improve
the damage I do beyond the (DMG*2)+1 stat. I am glad to hear that I am wrong.


At 04:08 AM 5/10/99 , you wrote:
>From: "J.M. Capozzi" <croak63@...>
>At around the late teens, you'll start getting an additional damage bonus,
>depending on your strength and weapons skills and offense. I started seeing
>mine about 18th, with Anthem and Warsong going. It goes up slowly but
>With a 5 damage well balanced scimitar, at 29th level, I'm hitting for 16.
>With a 6 damage WB rapier, I'm hitting for 19, and with a 7 damage barbed
>leather whip or 7 damage Jambiya, I'm hitting for 22.
>Oh, that's SERRATED bone dirk btw, it's an 8 damage weapon, (but casts
>Engulfing Darkness) and it's rogue only. And more importantly, it's
>The guy that runs EQ'lizer probably hasn't seen any of those toys in real
>life, and half his information is incorrect.
>Another little tidbit, this right from Ryan Palachio (Head tuning GM).
>Since the start of retail, STR affects not only how much you can carry and
>how hard you hit, but also how WELL you hit.
> DEX is still a factor in accuracy, but now STR is worked on both sides of
>the combat equation, To-Hit and Damage.
>As far as your DPS formula goes, I think you'd be better served simply
>dividing the base damage by the delay, it's a better real world indicator.
> Ah, hell, tired of typing, here's a cut and paste from a post I made on the
>EQ Beta board back in November. Some of the weapon stats have changed due
>to tuning, but it's still accurate.
>A lot of numbers here, don't read if you're not into that sorta thing. VERY
>Posted By: Kendrick <capozzi@...>
>Tuesday, 3 November 1998, at 10:41 a.m.
>In Response To: I've got to disagree (Kiro)
>> I just can't agree with you here Kendrick. I've heard you talk about speed
>> being a principle factor in your weapon selection before - but you cannot
>> ignore a higher damager "per click" capacity of the mino axe.
>> This will be obvious to most everyone, but evaluate the weapon based on
>> the amount of time (speed factor time) that is takes the weapon to inflict
>> 1 point of damage. For the longsword this is 4.8333 clicks - for the mino
>> axe it is 4.625 clicks and for the combine longsword (as a reference) it
>> is 4.667.
>> Now - from those numbers, you can see that a mino axe will outdistance
>> both the longsword and the combine longsword in damage. I recognize the
>> speed advantage in giving better averaged damage in any one combat - but
>> if you give the mino axe enough time, it will come out ahead. Instead of
>> basing your weapon decision on ONE combat, base it on a lifetime. The mino
>> axe will far exceed the longsword and combine longsword in damage over a 4
>> level lifetime with that weapon (then you need the combine for it's magic
>> capabilities).
>Here is one big factor that skews the straight time vs damage calculations:
>Higher attack speed means more chances of processing dual attack and or
>Once those two skills come into play, faster weapons take a large leap
>forward in overall efficiency. I'd much rather have the system check every 3
>seconds if I get an additional attack(s) than I would every 5 seconds. Those

>are arbitrary time factors, but you get the point. A longsword checks every
>29 units, to see if you swing twice, or use your secondary...a mino axe
>checks every 38 units. Probability is in favor of the faster weapon here.
>Before that time, lower offense/weapons skills mean you miss more. So,
>swinging more IS a good thing, be it one combat, or one hundred combats.
>Hitting a target has a large random component, stacking the odds more in
>your favor never hurts. Not to mention faster swings means faster skill
>increases, something not to be overlooked.
>When you jump the gap, and go to 2h weapons, well, they ARE more efficient.
>They have to be, to make up for the loss of either a shield or a secondary
>weapon, and are purpose designed to be the most devastating weapons in the
>You'll note also, that the 'good' weapons break a couple of rules, they have
>higher base damage, and higher speed, with the level 40-50 stuff having
>damage numbers half that of their attack speed, more or less. You'll not be
>likely to see any weapons with more than .50 efficiency in players hands.
>Ok, to find the efficiency rating (as I call it) of a given weapon, divide
>its base damage by it's attack speed.
>3/20 Dagger .150
>4/23 Short Sword .170
>5/25 Rapier/Scimitar .200
>7/35 Battle Axe .200
>6/29 Longsword/Spear .206
>8/39 Bastard sword .205
>8/38 Mino axe .210,
>6/28 Combine longsword .214,
>5/23 Combine rapier .217,
>6/27 Combine spear .222
>7/28 Barbed leather whip .250,
>6/25 Stiletto of Bloodclaw .24,
>8/35 Screaming Mace .228
>12/43 Combine 2h .270
>14/50 Halberd .280
>14/43 Dwarven Greataxe/Bloodstained Sword .325
>16/35 Gigantic Zwiehander .457
>11/22 Fanged Skull Stiletto .50
>That's just a listing of a weapon's optimum efficiency level. You'll note
>though, that a bastard sword is a hair worse than a longsword, a mino axe a
>hair better, and neither do as well as a combine longsword.
>Another calculation you can do, which gives you a better 'real world'
>indication of how good a weapon is, is to determine a baseline weapon, I
>pick steel longswords, and compare damage over any given period of time. To
>do this, you take the attack speed, multiply it by the number of attacks you
>want, and then multiply that number by the base damage. Lets do 100 swings
>of a long sword. That takes 2900 (29 speed) time units, and yeilds 600
>(100*6) damage.
>Now, take a mino axe, divide its speed, 38, by 2900. That gives you 76.3,
>the amount of swings it will do in the same time period. Multiply that by 8,
>the base damage. In the time it takes a longsword to swing 100 times for 600
>damage, a mino axe swings 76, for 610. Ten points. Ten points in return for
>23.7% less chances to hit. To figure longer spans, just add some zeros. The
>gap widens a bit, 10x that time=100 more damage for the mino axe, but 240
>more swings with the longsword, and so on. With bonus damage for higher
>skills, the ratio is still the same.
>A regular bastard sword fares even worse, doing 74 swings, and 594 damage.
>A combine longsword will do 103 swings, and 621 damage.
>A combine rapier will do 126 attacks, for 630 damage.

>A combine spear will do 107 attacks, and 644 damage.
>A screaming mace will do 82 swings, and 662 damage.
>A bloodclaw stiletto will do 116 attacks, for 696 damage.
>A barbed whip will do 103 swings, and 724 damage.
>A halberd will do 58 swings, and 812 damage.
>A 2h combine, 67 swings, 809 damage.
>A dwarven 2h greataxe or bloodstained sword will do 67 attacks, and 944
>All of the above weapons are in the game, and in testers hands. [Note: All
>numbers were rounded down] Also, the above numbers do not take into account
>the advantages of dual attack/wield.
>To put this all in context, with off-the-shelf weapons, I'd have no
>hesitation standing a pair of 30th level players, one dual combine longsword
>warrior up against a combine 2h sword or halberd wielding warrior..it'd be a
>close fight, and my money would be on the longsword user, all else being
>equal. Were it a sword and shield vs a 2h, well, the 2h user would win.
>The rough calculation of dual attack going off is (Skill+Level)/500, the
>result being a percentage.
>For dual wield, it's (Skill+Level)/600
>At 30th level, you've got a 30% chance of getting your secondary attack in.
>That's roughly 30% more damage you can inflict (and, at 30th level, you can
>use that offhand weapon TWICE, if warrior or rogue). With only one secondary
>attack, a dual weilding combine longsword user is almost dead even with a
>single combine 2h or halberd user (807 points of damage vs 809 or 812 for
>the 2h user, and of course, the dual user has a lot more swings)..if he's IS
>a warrior or rogue, he does even better, approaching 1000 points damage.
>This is not factoring in the increased chance over time of your primary
>going off twice with a faster weapon.
>Hope this clarifies my reasoning, and doesn't bore you to tears reading it.
>And it's just this sort of thing I'm really going to miss, if all the
>numbers get hidden in retail. Counterpoint being, a lot of folks DON'T want
>to know these sort of things.
>Messages in This Thread
> a.. When if ever will we see an actual Assassin class? -- Ryaxx --
>Saturday, 31 October 1998, at 4:18 p.m.
> a.. Re: When if ever will we see an actual Assassin class? -- Brad
>McQuaid -- Saturday, 31 October 1998, at 6:18 p.m.
> a.. Brad... -- Ryaxx -- Saturday, 31 October 1998, at 6:26 p.m.
> a.. Really? Looking at my skill list I always considered that part
>of me... -- Lorcan -- Saturday, 31 October 1998, at 6:30 p.m.
> a.. Re: Really? Looking at my skill list I always considered that
>part of me... -- Ryaxx -- Saturday, 31 October 1998, at 6:34 p.m.
> a.. Umm, yes the quest is to assisinate... -- Lorcan --
>Saturday, 31 October 1998, at 6:36 p.m.
> b.. Re: When if ever will we see an actual Assassin class? -- kaen --
>Saturday, 31 October 1998, at 5:51 p.m.
> a.. good idea -- Ryaxx -- Saturday, 31 October 1998, at 6:18 p.m.
> a.. Re: good idea -- kaen -- Sunday, 1 November 1998, at 10:00 a.m.
> c.. Re: When if ever will we see an actual Assassin class? -- Kileyan --
>Saturday, 31 October 1998, at 4:30 p.m.

> a.. Assassins kill people not monsters -- Ryaxx -- Saturday, 31
>October 1998, at 4:47 p.m.
> a.. Re: Assassins kill people not monsters -- Boewin of the Half
>Hand -- Saturday, 31 October 1998, at 5:35 p.m.
> a.. Not quite correct -- Kendrick -- Saturday, 31 October 1998, at
>6:09 p.m.
> a.. I've got to disagree -- Kiro -- Tuesday, 3 November 1998, at
>5:56 a.m.
> a.. A lot of numbers here, don't read if you're not into that
>sorta thing. VERY LONG POST!! -- Kendrick -- Tuesday, 3 November 1998, at
>10:41 a.m.
> a.. The dangers of conjecture -- Forge -- Thursday, 5
>November 1998, at 5:32 a.m.
> b.. kendrick the massively leveled help me with
>something. -- Baldaan -- Wednesday, 4 November 1998, at 9:56 a.m.
> a.. Re: kendrick the massively leveled help me with
>something. -- Kendrick -- Wednesday, 4 November 1998, at 12:40 p.m.
> b.. Re: kendrick the massively leveled help me with
>something. -- Absor -- Wednesday, 4 November 1998, at 10:49 a.m.
> c.. Re: A lot of numbers here, don't read if you're not into
>that sorta thing. VERY LONG POST!! -- Ruepel da troll Shaman (Nox) --
>Tuesday, 3 November 1998, at 11:46 a.m.
> a.. Re: A lot of numbers here, don't read if you're not
>into that sorta thing. VERY LONG POST!! -- Kendrick -- Tuesday, 3 November
>1998, at 12:03 p.m.
> a.. Re: A lot of numbers here, don't read if you're not
>into that sorta thing. VERY LONG POST!! -- Nox -- Tuesday, 3 November 1998,
>at 12:59 p.m.
> b.. Double Attack and Speed -- Boewin of the Half Hand --
>Monday, 2 November 1998, at 9:02 a.m.
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>----- Original Message -----
>From: David Rubino <tigger@...>
>To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
>Sent: Sunday, May 09, 1999 9:29 PM
>Subject: Re: [eqbards] 1H Slashing Magical Weapon List - Read and comment
>>From: David Rubino <tigger@...>
>>The formula is simple. First of all, a weapon has a maximum amount of
>>damage it can do in a single hit. This amount is (DMG * 2) + 1. Why? It
>>just does . . . observe your weapon's behavior. Your Mino Axe should do no
>>more than 17 damage (8 * 2) +1.
>>Obviously, you won't always do the maximum amount of damage.
>>Your STR helps determine how close to the max you hit. The higher your STR,
>>the more chance you'll have of hitting for the max. Your skill in the
>>weapon and in offense probably affects this as well.
>>Also, your opponent's armor will affact how much damage you hit for,
>>because their armor will absorb some of your damage. You will notice you do
>>less damage against higher level characters even when you hit them.
>>So my formula takes the max amount of damage (DMG * 2) + 1 . . . and
>>divides it by the delay of a weapon in seconds (Delay / 10). Doing this you
>>get damage per second, which is probably better named maximum damage per

>>At 09:38 AM 5/9/99 , you wrote:
>>>From: "Blitz Krieg" <blitz_krieg@...>
>>>Question about your formula for dps... And maybe it's a question about
>>>damage in general... : )
>>>(damage*2)+1 Where'd you get the *2? Doesn't STR get factored in there
>>>somewhere? I am extremelly curious about this as I am probably over
>>>obsessive about Stats. : )
>>>If someone could break down how my Mino Axe with a damage of 8 does 18 max
>>>damage for me, I'd appreciate it. :)
>>>I have a base strength of 95, going as high as 112 with buffs and equip.
>>>> I sorted through the list of weapons on EQLizer for magic 1H slashing
>>>> The obvious ones are the combine longsword and scimtar, and their
>>>>well-balanced counterparts. Information on these is widely held, so I
>>>>go into detail here.
>>>> First, let me say I measure the damage value of a weapon using a stat
>>>>called damage per second (dps). This is calculated assuming that the
>>>>is in tenths of a sec (I think that's about right). To calculate:
> (damage
>>>>* 2) + 1 ) / (delay / 10)
>>>> Please give me any info you have on any of these weapons, including
>>>>opinons on which is best, how hard they to obtain, how much they sell for
>>>>if sold, etc.
>>>> Also, if there are any missng from this list please add them. (There are
>>>>only 4 here). And two of those are not even confirmed as 1H slashing
>>>>weapons. If they are not magic and 1H slashing then I am very much
>>>>I am missing some good ones from this list.
>>>>Barbed Whip
>>>>Damage 7 / Delay 28 = 5.35 dps
>>>>Found on the Bonrcrusher in Najena
>>>>Polished Granite Tomahawk
>>>>Damage 6 / Delay 26 = 5 dps
>>>>Casts berserker strnegth occasionally, but I don't know what this is.
>>>>Have no idea where it is found.
>>>>Crystalline Sword
>>>>Damage 11 / Delay 38 = 6.05 dps
>>>>Don't even know if this is magical, but I have a feeling it is
>>>>Don't have any idea where to find it
>>>>Don't even know if it is 1H Slashing
>>>>Please help on this one, I like the stats!
>>>>Cerrated Bone Dirk
>>>>Damage 9 / Delay Delay 26 = 7.3 dps!
>>>>Don't know if it is 1H slashing
>>>>Don't know if it magic
>>>>I do know it is found on the Froglock Assasin in Guk Bottom
>>>>Just for comparison:
>>>>Mino Axe
>>>>Damage 8 / Delay 37 = 4.59 dps
>>>>Dwarven Axe
>>>>Damage 6 / Delay 26 = 5 dps
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