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Message ID: 6385
Date: Sun Sep 12 21:10:56 BST 1999
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Re: My Mistmoore Experience

On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, Elijah Meeker wrote:
> Wow, on with the story,
> Step seven: corpse recovery
> Step eight: Kill some Yard Trash
> Step nine: Peek around a bit
> Step ten, eleven,twelve, thirteen: See a Teir'Dal woman in full plate, fire
> up accelerondo, take 3 steps, die.
> Step fourteen: corpse recovery
> Step fifteen: Take boat back to freeport.
> I took all the posts about it from here and sent them to the party members,
> who kind of pegged me as being pessimistic on the issue *laughs*
> But it was worth it all, I got to see a Will Sapper and a Soul Seductress,
> and I think Ms. Soul was kinda sweet on me...

The character of Mistmoore depends a large part on what the
other people in there are doing. Sometimes everyone is good
about keeping fights localized in their area and announcing
trains. I've made nearly a level in a night playing in
Mistmoore under these circumstances, and the action was

Other times one or more groups are really rude and pull stuff
deep from the castle to the zone or don't announce their
constant trains. I've fought one familiar, then spent the
next half hour keeping my group invisible waiting for the
train to dissipate, kill another familiar, spend another half
hour waiting for another train to leave, etc.

If you're clearing out yard trash, there is absolutely no
reason you should ever see the Will Sapper and Soul
Seductress. There are several spots near the zone that are
out of the path of trains. Find them and work from there. If
the trains are just too frequent, then there are some idiots
in the zone - leave and try again another night.

John H. Kim