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Message ID: 6386
Date: Sun Sep 12 21:36:03 BST 1999
Author: Bard
Subject: Re: My Mistmoore Experience

A high-level mage in my guild told me that (at least on The Rathe) sometimes
high-level folks inside the castle start trains on purpose to get rid of all
the folks outside (and to reduce lag I guess). Looks like it'll be a
helluva long time before I go there then :o)~

Safe, happy, and 23rd in the Plains of Karana

>The character of Mistmoore depends a large part on what the
>other people in there are doing. Sometimes everyone is good
>about keeping fights localized in their area and announcing
>trains. I've made nearly a level in a night playing in
>Mistmoore under these circumstances, and the action was
>Other times one or more groups are really rude and pull stuff
>deep from the castle to the zone or don't announce their
>constant trains. I've fought one familiar, then spent the
>next half hour keeping my group invisible waiting for the
>train to dissipate, kill another familiar, spend another half
>hour waiting for another train to leave, etc.
>If you're clearing out yard trash, there is absolutely no
>reason you should ever see the Will Sapper and Soul
>Seductress. There are several spots near the zone that are
>out of the path of trains. Find them and work from there. If
>the trains are just too frequent, then there are some idiots
>in the zone - leave and try again another night.
>John H. Kim
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