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Message ID: 6395
Date: Mon Sep 13 12:51:44 BST 1999
Author: Renee Cole
Subject: Re: My Mistmoore Experience

>Step one: Kill some Yard Trash
>Step two: Peek around a bit
>Step three,four,five and six: See a Teir'Dal woman in full plate, fire up
>accelerondo, take 3 steps, die.
>She did over 600 points of damage before my screen could register any
>damage, I went from Full health to dead without a screen refresh. It might
>have been two of them casting I am not sure.
>Wow, on with the story,
>Step seven: corpse recovery
>Step eight: Kill some Yard Trash
>Step nine: Peek around a bit
>Step ten, eleven,twelve, thirteen: See a Teir'Dal woman in full plate, fire
>up accelerondo, take 3 steps, die.
>Step fourteen: corpse recovery
>Step fifteen: Take boat back to freeport.
>I took all the posts about it from here and sent them to the party members,
>who kind of pegged me as being pessimistic on the issue *laughs*
>But it was worth it all, I got to see a Will Sapper and a Soul Seductress,
>and I think Ms. Soul was kinda sweet on me...
>Tszaaz E'Taurguin, amazingly still level 24

Did you notice any backstabs? The Mistmoore residents have a backstab skill
that a level 50 rogue would envy. *rubs her punctured backside*

-Treehugger and Songmaker