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Message ID: 6394
Date: Mon Sep 13 11:38:06 BST 1999
Author: azura_von_v@xxxxxx.xxx
Subject: Fun in Oasis

Hello all.

While running through Oasis last night, I had stopped to talk to a friend. While we chatted for a while, a person next to us said "Yeah, bards suck as tanks, and songs aren't usefull enough". Looking back, this was probably meant for gsay with a mistype, but I didn't take it as such right away. Being a polite person, and having a very long temper fuse (bwahahahaah), I turned and fired off the first thought that I was able to type out. The barb hit home and the challenge was met.
After a lenghty conversation (spar), we decided to test out who was better.

What we would do was each take on a deepwater croc solo to test his theories about my abilities. Oddly enough, we were all the same level, so it was a fair fight...from thier standpoint.

The oppossing group consisted of a warrior, a wizard and a druid.

First up, the warrior. He rushes out and starts swinging. Wielding a two hander (BBC) and kicking for all he is worth. End result, comes out with 2 bubs of health. Meaning he had a lot of healing to do if he was solo.

Next up comes the druid. In typical solo kiting mode at that. Snare, dot, run. Repeat. End result, down around a bub of health (couldnt get the idea of running in a circle instead of back and forth(, and down around 60%mana. Heals himself up and at 50. Much medding.
Wizards turn. Root, nuke nuke, get hit a coupel times, root, nuke nuke, etc. Ends up at at 2 bubs of health and at 15% mana. Lot of medding and healing.

My turn. I decide to really rub it in so I flip to my "impress the newbies" hotkeys. Set up for DDD, CoD, hymn, and bellow (finish off runners). Also the two hotkeys, one for inven and one for equipped instrument. Pull out a croc and start the twisting. After the fight (which didnt last very long) I had lost maybe a half bub of health which was quick to heal, no medding necessary, and pulled another croc just for that extra special kick to the pride of those who thought me stupid to play a bad class.

As they sat there, wordless, I bid them good day, fired up selos, and took off like the wind. The other times I have used this tactic have also brought in surprised comments from others watching. To be able to take on a risky blue without a weapon and not getting hurt badly for most classes is either long and boring, or a fantasy. For me, reality is that a bards gift is everyone elses envy.


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