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Message ID: 6426
Date: Mon Sep 13 20:02:33 BST 1999
Author: Rokenn Swiftsong
Subject: Re: Lute of the Gypsy Princess

I have one and tested it out. It does not increase the heal rate of hymn at
31st level.

Rokenn Swiftsong - Karana server
Master Craftsmen of Societus Argenti

>From: rkroads@...
>Reply-To: eqbards@onelist.com
>To: eqbards@onelist.com
>Subject: [eqbards] Lute of the Gypsy Princess
>Date: 13 Sep 1999 18:41:09 -0000
>From: rkroads@...
>I have read several postings on this instrument and asked people in-game.
>The postings and opinions have not been consistent.
>I now have one and I am told it increases non-self healing rate. I plan to
>test this tonight; I am interested in others' experiences as well.
>My primary question though is: what is it worth? Has anyone bought one,
>sold one, or seen one bought or sold?
>==Maravana Vireo of the Jus Divinum
>==33 seasons last night during first trip to Lower Guk (wow and ouch)
>==Mithaniel Marr