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Message ID: 6427
Date: Mon Sep 13 23:04:24 BST 1999
Author: Ryan Honeyman
Subject: RE: re: Fear/Chain, is not cheesy

>Do you suppose they see a few (ok 30% or so) druids using a
>technique that their class allows to make some good progress -
>and they decide that they have to nerf because "druids are not
>_supposed_ to be that powerful."

It's not 30%, it's not even 50%, try more like 80% of druids kite.
That is the only thing they seem to want to do, and it's fine with
me, except for one issue. People who do this impact _everyone_.

And here's why... I am a bard, I have to work hard for the exp
I get. I can barely solo greens anymore, forget about tactics
like fear/chain and charm, they will only get you killed. You
are playing the wrong class if you want to solo. 75% of your
songs have the effect "PARTY" in them, learn to use them. You
will never be a soloer, our songs are not geared for that line
of work. Instead, you have to group.

Now grouping is great if you have time, stable group, etc.
Otherwise, you hover and do odd tasks and maybe a few quests,
until you can find a decent group. While these druids are out
in full force, powerleveling past you. So where do you come in?
How does this affect you?

Try going to earn your first pair of rubi legs. Try to go
acquire a bloodclaw. Try to get your favorite item. You can't.
Because these powerleveling jokers have long surpassed you and
are now camping the goodies, that you should be after. Kiters
can outlevel us, and thus pickup the goodies before we can work
our way there. This is the imbalance. I've watched druids get
two plus levels per day, kiting. Now instead of a handful of
level 35 people, the whole server is flooded with level 35 druids,
necros, shamans... anyone who employes the risk-free kiting tactics.

It's all about risk. Our fear/chain is not reliable enough to
use to make tons of exp. One resist could mean certain death.
If the druid runs out of mana, hell, the thing is snared, you can
outrun it no problem. Snare is that reliable.

Cheesy or not, druids are beginning to populate more and more
of the servers, because they are extremely easy to level with
very little risk. Thus increasing the traffic in areas where
other players who worked very long and hard to get where they
are at are playing.

I am _not_ for eliminating kiting...

If they want to fix druid kiting and make it more like bard
reverse kiting (ie risky), they need only make snare less
reliable (random shorter durations). That evens the playing
fields, introduces more risk, and everyone is happy, including
me the non-soloable, hard-working bard.

Harmonic Distortion, 35th hell.
League of Antonican Bards, The Wind Spirit's Song
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