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Message ID: 6430
Date: Mon Sep 13 20:38:36 BST 1999
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: RE: Chain and Binding

On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, James Schuldes wrote:
> For one - they resisted my chain but not my binds. Two, when under the
> effect of song - they did not fight back as the party beat them down (at
> least I did not see the "hits so and so for xx dmg and the animation seemed
> to stop and most of all the party dint show hp loss.) I only did this for
> about and hour or so - so it's a pretty weak sample. Need to really do it
> more and pay better attention (log file and one of the analyzers too.)

I tested out Binding last night in Solusek B against greater
kobolds (blue to red to me). I couldn't time it as accurately
since most of these fights were pretty close for my group, but
the time between attacks dropped from about 3 seconds to 4
seconds (c.f. 3.0 to 3.8 sec testing it on beetles).
Chaining the mob as well did not slow it down any further.
Resist rate was about the same for both, so area effect and AC
drop vs slower movement should dictate which of the two you
want to use. And they most certainly do attack while under
the effect, they just don't attack as often.

The enchanter was playing with her new L39 spells, and their
attack slowdown is significantly slower than Chain/Binding.
I'd estimate a roughly 2x slowdown vs 1.25x for ours. It did
not seem to stack, but it's tough to see the difference
between 2x and 2.25x. I'll have to time it with a less
effective enchanter debuff in the future.

For those who group with enchanters, debuffs do not wake mobs
that have been mesmerized/Lullabyed/Pixie Struck. You can
Tashan, Chain, Bind, weaken, cancel, etc. to your heart's
content and they will not wake up.

John H. Kim