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Message ID: 6435
Date: Mon Sep 13 21:36:33 BST 1999
Author: CMai
Subject: RE: From the patch message

Cool I will try this out in HK and see. Currently I have a crystalline
blade and a black enamel mace. The mace is in the 2nd hand. I found that I
get the same result (3 HP bar left) as twisting the songs u mention down
below against Orsagen. But this was last week. I will test it again and
see how much HP I will lose before killing him.

Your Friendly Rogue and Bard
Hammerpaw and Syren Wind
Champions of Norrath, The Rathe

-----Original Message-----
From: Elijah Meeker [mailto:elijah@...]
Sent: Monday, September 13, 1999 4:26 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: Re: [eqbards] From the patch message

From: "Elijah Meeker" <elijah@...>

>upgrade?" What bard nuking? U mean our DoT?

At level 24 here is how mine works, it is different (and has different
effectiveness) at different levels.

Horn armed (lute on cursor)
Dennons Disruptive Discord
Arm lute (Horn on cursor)
Chords of Dissonance
Largo`s Melodic Binding
Hymn of Restoration
Rearm horn and repeat.

Last night I took out three blue skellies with this in HEAVY lag. I haven't
taken out 3 blues in a looong looong time with dragoon dirk/PGT and songs
sung. No way.

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