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Message ID: 6446
Date: Tue Sep 14 01:14:03 BST 1999
Author: Naeeldar
Subject: Re: Plane of Fear

On E'ci as far as I know nobody has attempted PoF since 9 groups got
destroyed as soon as they enterered. They really need to tweak this and make
it a bit easier.


-----Original Message-----
From: jay schultze <sartori69@...>
To: eqbards@onelist.com <eqbards@onelist.com>
Date: Monday, September 13, 1999 8:01 PM
Subject: [eqbards] Plane of Fear

>From: "jay schultze" <sartori69@...>
>Hiya fellow bard =P
>I just wanted to ask you if you have been doing plane of fear at all since
>they nerfed it (well not technically a nerf, but realistically they F'd it
>up if you ask me).
>I know of two attempts that were made on my server (Veeshan) since the
>update, and both were disasters.
>36 ppl were slaughtered by 4 mobs, went back to get their corpses and all
>went LD, and were killed again. This was the first attempt.
>All i know about the second attempt is there was again 30+ people and they
>almost had a scareling dead, but were jumped by a few more mobs.
>I wanted to know if you and your group(s) have had any success in PoF since
>the update, and if so do you have any tips for us over on Veeshan. (I just
>got 46 recently, and I'm not looking forward to losing it).
>There are countless 46+ ppl on Veeshan, but everyone is afraid to go to PoF
>Sartori D'Elsiraad
>Bard of Kelethin of the 46th Chorus
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