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Message ID: 6447
Date: Tue Sep 14 01:23:55 BST 1999
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Re: re: Fear/Chain, is not cheesy

On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, JasonF wrote:
> I think it's a compliment to the subscribers of this lists that there are
> relatively few Bards. WE all know how absolutely wonderful it is being a
> bard. But this class is so different from any of the other "melee" and
> "casting" classes that I honestly believe that it takes a special individual
> to play one and play it well (maybe I'm just patting myself on the back, but I
> don't think so). I think it is equally difficult to play an Enchanter *well*.
> There are a lot of Enchanters that I group with that think they're watered
> down Wizards with Mez and Charm. They're not really playing the class
> correctly, just as those Bards that think we're "watered down Warriors with a
> heal song that can run fast".

Bards and enchanters do a lot of the same things - managing a
fight instead of being a primary damage/healing contributor.
Whether you prefer a bard or enchanter I've found depends
mostly on how much tanking you want to be able to do, and how
much tolerance you have for mashing buttons over and over
during a fight.

Overall I'd give the enchanter the edge for battle management
at higher levels (Lullaby, Strike, and Chain seem to be
becoming less and less effective as I get higher in level).
But bards are more flexible, being able to tank or heal or
buff depending on the party's needs.

And yes, a lot of folks play both classes "wrong." My L39
enchanter friend was griping about how many people she's
grouped with that have never seen an enchanter mesmerize and
are amazed when they first see it.

John H. Kim