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Message ID: 6461
Date: Tue Sep 14 10:21:23 BST 1999
Author: Robin Wise 3
Subject: Patch changed Selo's Accelerando!

While grouped with a druid friend of mine tonight, I had SoW cast on me.
While SoW was still in effect, I tried to start up Selo's Accelerando and
got no text messages at all, and no song sprites.

Apparently in removing Selo's ability to "break" SoW the gods have decided
that SoW will override Selo's, and thus if you have SoW up you cannot even
perform Selo's Accelerando. As Athren Notechaser experienced (and reported
on this list) this also means that if you have SoW up and are rooted, you
cannot break the root with Selo's.

The next obvious question is, will Selo's still break roots when there's no
SoW? Anyone who has done so since the patch, please reassure me on this...
= )

Aloro Silvertongue (E'ci)