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Message ID: 6466
Date: Tue Sep 14 15:05:55 BST 1999
Author: Benjamin Jerrad Segal
Subject: Re: Patch changed Selo's Accelerando!

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Robin Wise 3 wrote:

> The next obvious question is, will Selo's still break roots when there's no
> SoW? Anyone who has done so since the patch, please reassure me on this...

GhoulRoot breaks SoW immediately (the druid was giving me a hard time
about not "taking good enough care of my SoW," as she had to recast it
nearly every time I pulled a ghoul), and the only icon effect present when
I was rooted was the GhoulRoot. Selo's did nothing to break it.

Athren Notechaser, 21st opus in progress