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Message ID: 6473
Date: Tue Sep 14 16:34:04 BST 1999
Author: firehawk@cloud9.net
Subject: Yet another Nerf (longish)

I do NOT want to have to say this. I know there is quite alot of pride
that as a rule we bards do not complain about the patches. But this really is becoming unbearable. I love being a bard.. and I hardly want the bard to be a superclass. I have been and am content with us being a group based class. At times I think we have been made overly weak in some of our effects and damage but it's no biggie. However the constant down tweaking and nerfing of the bard class usually to fix a different problem is becoming a major concern to me and I really think we should have our voices heard. The following are case points as I understand them.

The z-axis bug (aka bards bane):
Exists because casters where levitating and flying over the heads of melee creatures and casting spells down on them in complete safety. In order to prevent this Verant removed the z-axis code thereby letting the melee creatures hit casters. Hushed up result of this.. Bard song being AE in nature travels up down more then around.. and causes deep train response making AE dangerous to impossible in muliti level areas and reducing bard usefulness.

Bard Hate (since toned down but still there)
In order to keep casters such as clerics from existing in impunity during group combat, AI was given a "threat indicator" however someone decided the bards ability to assist a group and effect AE but Bards to the top of the kill them now group.

Bard mob faction (still there last I checked)
In order to prevent casters from helping others in battle with impunity faction rules where adjusted so that if a caster effects either one in combat or the mob faction is assigned. The side effect the mere presence of a bard singing or not anywhere in the area of a mob death effects bard faction (sourse of major guk trainage)

These are just a few of the issues in terms of Verant quick fixes causing bards greater troubles with NO counter balances provided. Added to these issues are the downgrading of bard powers on the excuse of game balance, which in reality was only powergamer complaints about bards not needing mana and being able to do X. Some examples

Bard invis used to effect the undead as well no longer
Bard Accel used to break root and is far faster the SOW.. now Sow can be used to slow bard down
Bard song now has higher resist rate, and failure even of basic songs

The list here also goes on. I am not saying that bards should be a superclass. but we ARE dependant on groups and our songs.. the constant effects of these changes reduce the options of these songs.. increase the difficulties of the bard (already fairly high) and provide ZERO compensation. No new bard quests, items, skills, weapons, low-mid level songs, etc. I really do feel we should say something of our displeasure of being the class to alway bear the weight of the other imbalances. It was my opinion the bard was balanced when the world started.. the changes since therefore have unbalanced us.

Adon Draigcanwyr