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Message ID: 6499
Date: Tue Sep 14 21:03:04 BST 1999
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: RE: Yet another Nerf (longish)

A week or two ago the general consensus was that our Invis song working
against undead was a function of your level compared to the undead mobs
level. John Kim posted festering hags conned indifferent to him but at 22d
level they conned ready to attack to me. For me at 22d level, Invis worked
against lower level carrion ghouls but the not against the tougher ones.
Ghouls et al yard trash in Unrest could never see me. Are you saying that
with the recent patch the Invis song does not work against any undead?

> Bard invis used to effect the undead as well no longer
> Adon Draigcanwyr