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Message ID: 6498
Date: Tue Sep 14 20:56:02 BST 1999
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: RE: Test Results of Some Songs

I haven't had a chance to test this for myself but here is my take on some
of the changes:

1) If Chain cast on yourself breaks Root and Snare like Lost Child reports,
then the nerf of Selos not breaking root should only affect bards less than
23d level. Still a major negative impact for newbies though.

2) If SOW overrides Selos, this can be a good thing if you are in a group
with someone who can cast SOW. You no longer have to worry about
potentially screwing your party members over if you have to flee. Having
SOW cast on you without your permission is still a major concern though and
I agree with Faras that we should be able to cancel the SOW similar to

3) Chain is resisted more but works better. Yesterday John Kim posted some
numbers that Chain reduced attack speed by around 25%. Does that mean with
the new changes this % is even higher. For the more experienced bards, is
this a good thing or would you rather have a higher chance for the spell to
work and keep the 25% reduced attack rate?

Galtin of E'ci

> From: "Lost Child" <lostchild@...>
> Here are the results of my test last night:
> Chain song is fixed! No more spending 10 min chasing down a green SoWed
> shaman!
> Chain song on self will still break snare when the song effect is over.
> Chain song on self will still break root, and when the song effect is
> over,
> you move at normal rate.