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Message ID: 6497
Date: Tue Sep 14 20:45:07 BST 1999
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: RE: Hide and Sneak skills (was Fear/Chain, is, not, che esy, and, is)

I haven't tested it since the last patch but prior to the patch if you
successfully hid and then tried to sneak, you immediately got the message
that you are no longer hidden. If you are playing the invisibility song,
you can't sneak so that option is out. Would be nice if the invisibility
song didn't gray out the Sneak button. That would make Sneak a potentially
useful skill. However, on the realism side it might not make much sense
since the mobs can still hear the flute playing.

Galtin of E'ci

> Haven't brought this up since I keep forgetting, but what about using
> sneak
> while invisible? Might this not let you sneak past those creatures we
> 'think' are seeing us invis? Maybe they are just hearing us and reacting
> to
> that? I know its logical which means its probably silly and wrong, but it
> sounds good.
> Kitasi
> IMO, hide and sneak should work the same for bards as it does for rogues.
> I
> agree with everyone else that the two skills as they are currently
> implemented are worthless for bards. If we could sneak while hiding there
> may be some opportunity where the skill could come in handy. Verant
> shouldn't even include the two skills as part of the equation that
> determines class balance for the bard.
> Galtin of E'ci