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Message ID: 6484
Date: Tue Sep 14 18:37:05 BST 1999
Author: Renee Cole
Subject: Re: was: Fear/Chain, is not cheesy Re: good bards

>I think it's a compliment to the subscribers of this lists that there are
>relatively few Bards. WE all know how absolutely wonderful it is being a
>bard. But this class is so different from any of the other "melee" and
>"casting" classes that I honestly believe that it takes a special
>to play one and play it well (maybe I'm just patting myself on the back,
>but I
>don't think so).

I also play a Level 38 druid (no, I don't kite, or I probably WOULD be level
50 by now). I have played her since day one of commercial. In all that
time, I have grouped with exactly THREE bards. Not because I don't like
grouping with bards, but simply because there are so few of them available.

Last night I had the opportunity and the unexpected pleasure of grouping
with a level 30 bard in Cazic. *waves to Celandro* We were doing crocs and
praying to the EQ gods for the steel golem to spawn and drop some gloves for
our cleric friend.

Because I play a bard, I am always more than happy to group with one if
possible. I know the strengths of a bard, I know how great they are to have
in a party, but I can tell you, there is nothing like experiencing what a
bard can do from a different perspective. If I could have charmed Celandro
and made him my permanent pet, I would have done it! Hehe. I learned ALOT
from Celandro, pestering him with questions (poor Cel!), watching him weave
his songs, etc.

There is NOTHING like being grouped with a GOOD bard, who knows his stuff.

-Treehugger and Songmaker