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Message ID: 6501
Date: Tue Sep 14 21:15:39 BST 1999
Author: Ryan Barker
Subject: Re: was: Fear/Chain, is not cheesy Re: good bards

Second time Ive made the list so far woohoo :)

> Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:37:05 PDT
> From: "Renee Cole" <nat_ive@...>
> Subject: Re: was: Fear/Chain, is not cheesy Re: good bards
> I also play a Level 38 druid (no, I don't kite, or I probably WOULD be
> level 50 by now). I have played her since day one of commercial. In
> all that time, I have grouped with exactly THREE bards. Not because I
> don't like grouping with bards, but simply because there are so few of them
> available.
> Last night I had the opportunity and the unexpected pleasure of grouping
> with a level 30 bard in Cazic. *waves to Celandro* We were doing crocs
> and praying to the EQ gods for the steel golem to spawn and drop some gloves
> for our cleric friend.
> Because I play a bard, I am always more than happy to group with one if
> possible. I know the strengths of a bard, I know how great they are to
> have in a party, but I can tell you, there is nothing like experiencing what
> a bard can do from a different perspective. If I could have charmed
> Celandro and made him my permanent pet, I would have done it! Hehe. I learned
> ALOT from Celandro, pestering him with questions (poor Cel!), watching him
> weave his songs, etc.

No PC charming is a bard and enchanter skill.. gained at level 29 by
enchanters and at level 32 by bards... Like I told you last night.. im
going to make my group always say "As you command master"

> There is NOTHING like being grouped with a GOOD bard, who knows his
> stuff.
> -Treehugger and Songmaker
After this group broke up, I joined one of the best groups I have ever
been in. We had me, a warrior, a shadow knight, a paladin, a ranger and a
shaman all level 30-34 and we were fighting in the throne room. I was
using Pixie Strike (my new favoirte song), Lullaby, Anthem, Hymn, Psalm of
Cooling and Constant Chain depending on the situation and we were the only
group there for a few hours. We cleared both floors of the house and had
about a 5 minute break before things started respawning. It was simply
amazing... We handled some insane pulls (2 heralds, 1 justicar, 1 monkey,
1 zealot, 1 fanatic), never started a train, never died, and gained a lot
of experience (a bubble and a half of level 30 in 4 hours) and cash (100pp
after selling the 10 fine steel weapons I got). Best of all.. i never
unequipped my lute :).
The tactics for various situations were:
1 non-caster: twist Anthem, Hymn and Psalm of Cooling. If the ranger
couldnt snare it, Chain it when it starts to run.
1 caster: Pixie Strike over and over and over to interrupt the spells.
This is very effective against the shaman we were fighting as it stopped
the heals.
2 non casters: Pixie Strike until it succeeds, then Hymn, repeat. Keep
the mob that isnt being attacked messed and still heal everyone.. Save
that shaman mana. When one dies, switch to the 1 mob scenario
2 casters or mixed: Lullaby over and over again. This will interrupt the
caster(s) and keep one mob sleeped most of the time. When 1 dies, switch
to the 1 mob scenario
3 or more: Lullaby over and over again. Most mobs are sleeping which
helps when there are multiple healers.
For these tactics to work you MUST teach everyone to /assist the puller.
It usually takes about 30 minutes to convince the meleers who arent used
to grouping with an enchanter or a bard to usually ignore the mobs who go
for the shaman or the new mob that just spawned and joined in and let me
handle it. So drill it into their heads:
"Everyone needs to /assist the puller"
"Do not switch targets unless I say"
"Do not use AOE effects or spells"
"Do not DoT the mob you arent fighting" (this happened twice last night
and I couldnt mesmerize the mob off the dotter.. he learned)
and best of all when you first join the group or when someone new joins...
"Hello my name is Celandro Spellsong and I will be your substitute
enchanter for the night. Adjust your play accordingly."

Celandro Spellsong
30 Bard Povar
Wannabe enchanter