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Message ID: 6486
Date: Tue Sep 14 18:59:58 BST 1999
Author: John Robertson
Subject: Re: Re: good bards

Rokenn Swiftsong wrote:

> From: "Rokenn Swiftsong" <rokenn@...>
> Ya it is interesting seeing it from the otherside. Over the weekend I was
> playing my secondary character (a lvl 15th Necro) and had the chance to
> group with a 16th bard, it was great! And a lot of fun. If you run in to
> Inka (the bard I grouped with) on the Karana server give him a /wave :)

Have to agree with Rokenn on this one... my secondary character (well, one of
them) is a level 26 necro, and necros love bards like nobody's business. Aside
from the usual reasons to love a bard, necros especially love them because they
have a line of spells Dark Pact -> Allure of Death -> Call of Bones etc. that
converts health to mana. Throw in the bard's healing songs and necros become
unholy mana machines.

If you've never grouped with a necro before, give it a try, you'll be surprised
how effective a team it is, which is great, because before level 32, we
generally don't have a lot to offer a pure spellcaster as a partner.

Jyzan Idyla and Smidge Picklefeather of Karana