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Message ID: 6487
Date: Tue Sep 14 19:05:46 BST 1999
Author: Mike Roach
Subject: RE: alt.games.everquest

I have just posted the following Usenet message on the alt.games.everquest
board that Brad says he browses, please agree or disagree, back me up, and
hopefully I was not out of line in speaking for all of us:

Myself and others who have regular discussions on the ONELIST bard's forum
are concerned about the recent changes to SoW that is affecting our Selo's
Accelerando. It seems that once SoW is cast on us we are stuck with it and
it overrides our Selo's, you can see how this can be a bad thing. Please
try to work something out with this, my suggestion is that you allow the
ability for a player to cancel SoW if they choose just like you have done
with the Levitate spell.

We are also perplexed at the minotaur horn graphic turning into a burlap
sack on our character's Avatar, is this intentional? We have come to accept
that our drum looks like a flute and we blow on our brass horns backwards
and hope that this will one day be addressed, but maybe insted of a burlap
sack, you could change the graphic for the mino horn to look like the
graphic for the brass horn.

I realize that the bards in EQ comprise a very small percentage of the
overall population but it is that fact along with the fact that we are not
inclined toward overt rants and flames against Verant or any particular
person at Verant that causes us to often feel as though we are being
overlooked. I believe I understant that the Bard class was the last class
to be developed before final release and as a result there were a lot of
issues (such as the ones regarding how our instruments look and behave on
our Avatars) that were left unfinished. Granted, issues like this do not
affect gameplay, they do make us feel like the stepchild class.

I implore you to try to dedicate some of what I realize is already burdened
development resources to addressing a number of these issues and providing
us with at least a small amount of information on if and when you intend to
address the ones leftover from beta (like my flute drum and hari-kari brass


Faras Tar'Linedhel
Half-Elf Bard of the 26th song
Crimson Legacy
E'ci Server
