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Message ID: 6489
Date: Tue Sep 14 19:48:56 BST 1999
Author: Talies the Wanderer
Subject: RE: alt.games.everquest

Huzzah! Very well stated! I think it should be noted that the animation
errors ARE being worked on, and were planned for a future patch, but the
fact that they are not gameplay or balance issues has made them very low
priority. The real issue is certainly the SoW...

At 01:05 PM 9/14/99 -0500, you wrote:
>From: Mike Roach <mroach@...>
>I have just posted the following Usenet message on the alt.games.everquest
>board that Brad says he browses, please agree or disagree, back me up, and
>hopefully I was not out of line in speaking for all of us:

Talies the Wanderer
Check out the EverQuesting Bard: