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Message ID: 6504
Date: Tue Sep 14 21:27:22 BST 1999
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: Nerfing quest components (OT) (was alt.games.everquest)

I think changing quest items to NO DROP is a step in the right direction.
Case in point is the Exotic Drinks/Glowing Stein quest. When the quest was
finally fixed a couple months back, people were creating 1st level mule
characters to kill the koalindl fish at the Temple of Life in Qeynos. This
allowed them to avoid the major faction hit with their main character. The
mule character then gave the fish to the main character ( I admit I did this
but only because my faction got screwed earlier by trying to complete the
quest legitimately before it got fixed). To complete the quest now, the
same person has to acquire all the quest components.

I think the best way Verant could handle this is to make quest components NO
TRADE and keep magic items NO DROP. That way, you could put quest
components in the bank until you got them all and eliminates using mule
characters to collect the items. This would also allow Verant to start
giving better rewards for quests because it ensures that the player
completes all the necessary steps and earn the reward.

Galtin of E'ci

> Another thing, although not specifically bard related except in that bards
> probably do more quests than anyone else simply because they can, is the
> constant changing of items to no drop 'willy nilly'. I went to the bank
> last nite and literally could not remove 7 of my 8 containers from the
> bank
> because if I did I would not be able to put them back. I would have to
> carry around over 1 backpack of stuff if I did. Why does Verant think the
> solution to everything is to make an item no drop. Bizzarely the Bozemite
> Pestle, which to my knowledge no one has figured out the use for is now No
> Drop. Honey Jum on the other hand, while it now requires considerable
> faction and 30gp instead of 5gp to obtain, is not. Go figure. Why should
> I
> have to carry this stupid emerald shard halfway across Norrath to get the
> other piece, when it would be so much more sensible to put it in the bank
> while searching for the other piece. Sigh, thank goodness it doesn't
> weigh
> 10 lbs.
> Kitasi the questly nerfed